domestic oil consumption

Aramco to cut domestic consumption of oil | ArabNews.
United States Crude Oil Consumption by Year (Thousand Barrels.
Average Oil Consumption - Community Forums.
Chart and table showing historical data - United States Soybean Oil Domestic Consumption by Year (1000 MT).
Dec 5, 2012. U.S. oil consumption, 12-month averages, Jan 1965 to Sep 2012. .. away from cars, and some changes in patterns of home and work location.
domestic oil consumption
Econbrowser: Will U.S. oil consumption continue to decline?Angola Oil - consumption - Energy - Mundi.
Chart and table showing yearly consumption of crude oil for United States. Data obtained from the US Energy Information Administration.
2 days ago. Michael Levi of the Council on Foreign Relations observes that what seems like a puzzle — the fact that even as domestic oil production.
Facts and statistics about the Oil - consumption of Angola.. IndexMundi Home. Definition: This entry is the total oil consumed in barrels per day (bbl/day).
Feb 18, 2012. OPEC's domestic oil consumption has increased seven-fold in 40 years, to 8.5 million barrels per day (mbd). They consume almost as much oil.

Oil: Burning their wealth | The Economist.
By Dermot Gately, Nourah Al-Yousef and Hamad M.H. Al-Sheikh; Abstract: We analyze the rapid growth of Saudi Arabia's domestic oil consumption, a nine-fold.